Did you receive a postcard from MarchingLinks.com asking you to sell your used marching band uniforms? Well, it's true! We can sell your used band uniforms to a school that doesn't have the funds to purchase brand new ones. We've been doing just that for over 10 years. To date, MarchingLinks.com has sold thousands of used marching band uniforms and returned countless thousands of dollars to budget-minded band programs, just like yours.
It's Easy
Just send us a description of your uniforms, the price you'd like to receive (typically $15 to $25 per set multiplied by the number of sets in your lot) and a few pictures.
It's Quick
From the time you list your uniform to the time it's posted on our site is just a few days. Sale of your uniforms can happen in a few months or less.
It's No-Risk
If your uniforms don't sell (very unlikely - we can't keep them on the shelves - figuratively), you don't owe a penny. When your uniforms do sell, we receive a 33% commission to list your ad and guarantee a secure transaction for both buyer and seller.
It's Secure
MarchingLinks.com brokers the deal and makes sure that the funds are received before you ship your used marching band uniforms.
You may have thought that your old uniforms would be relegated to the dumpster, but PLEASE, think again. There are so many band programs out there that march in jeans and t-shirts due to lack of funds. You can help those kids march in "new" uniforms. At the same time, you'll be returning much-needed dollars to your band program.